Avro Lancaster Family model
We were privileged to be given the opportunity to immortalise one of the many heroes of World War Two through the medium of our models.
The granddaughter of an RAF Flight Sergeant made mementoes of her grandfather’s time available to us with the brief of setting them all out around one of our wire models of a Lancaster bomber, one of the types that he operated on.
Grandad was always exceptionally good with his hands and was the “go-to” member of the family when it came to fixing items. It was no surprise then to discover that he was a flight engineer and it was his time as one on the Lancaster that we were to celebrate.
Reorganising the medals, we had:
1939-1945 Star
AirCrew Europe Star
Defence Medal
War Medal
Together with this, some duplicates of the above and his Flight Engineer’s brevet, medal bar, RAF patch and Service book. We also had a picture of him as a young man from the same period.
Enquiring as to whether the family had obtained his MOD records, it was discovered that they had never seen them, so they were obtained and decoded, showing squadron, bases and dates applicable during his service.
As a Flight Engineer, he was responsible for the aircraft systems, to ensure their correct functionality for the skipper and crew to perform the mission.
To reinforce this, the model was made with 4 Rolls Royce Merlin Engines as well as detailed browning .303 guns at the relevant gunner’s positions on the aircraft; nose, mid upper and tail.
We assimilated all the information and presented it all in the frame that you can seen here. The bases and squadron data were applied to plaques to the upper part of the frame. The medals and image of him as a young man to the left and right hand side of the model and his engineer’s brevet, uniform medal ribbon and RAF patch sewn into period RAF cloth at the bottom. Centred to this is data about the man himself.
The model is in 32 scale, with a wingspan of approx. 97cms and featuring a beautiful nickel plate. Control surfaces are brought to a mirror finish as a consequence. Detail is exacting, the engine rocker covers have “Rolls Royce” visible and readable on them.
This model allows what is currently the third generation of the family to know of this man and what he did in the war, as the client’s son lives with it in the house. In due course, when perhaps he has his own family, the fourth generation will be able to see and be reminded of their ancestor’s efforts, as should we all be for ours.